What Roofing is Best for Hurricanes?

What Roofing is Best for Hurricanes?

What Roofing is Best for Hurricanes?

It is best to protect your home with a metal roof when it comes to hurricane preparedness. Metal roofs are built to withstand winds of up to 160mph. Plus, it won’t blow away in pieces that become potential projectiles, which is what shingles do when they come loose. In hurricane-prone areas, like Florida, you’ll want to consider metal roofing for your home for the best long-term protection. Here we will talk about what roofing is best for hurricanes. 


Roofing material comes down to preference in many cases. However, you should also consider longevity and durability as major factors in your final decision – especially as a Florida homeowner. Let’s break down the main types you’ll be picking from when selecting your new roof.

Metal Roofing

By far your best option for protecting your roof from wind damage.

Wind Resistance: Up to 160mph

Benefits: Durable, long-lasting, and no shingles to blow away in strong wind.

Drawbacks: Not all homeowners are fond of the look a metal roof gives their home.

Ceramic Tile

Good for hurricanes but less than optimal compared to metal roofing.

Wind Resistance: Up to roughly 130mph

Benefits: Aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice among homeowners.

Drawbacks: The weight of this roofing material prevents it from being an option for many Florida homes.

Natural Slate

Does not have the same resistance to wind as competing roofing materials.

Wind Resistance: Up to 110mph

Benefits: Slate is an eco-friendly roofing material.

Drawbacks: Slate roofs are more expensive and heavier than other options, similar to ceramic tile roofs.

Asphalt Shingles

Not a great option for standing up to high-winds without further reinforcement.

Wind Resistance: Up to roughly 110mph

Benefits: A common roofing material that may be more affordable than other options.

Drawbacks: Not well-equipped to handle storms over a Category 3.


Roof type alone shouldn’t be the only measure you take against hurricane season. When preparing your home for an incoming hurricane be sure to double-check your roof has hurricane straps or other roof reinforcements in place. You should also secure your yard of any potential projectiles. In advance of hurricane season, you can opt for a professional inspection of your roof to repair any hidden damage before disaster strikes. 

Hurricane Straps and Roof Reinforcements

Hurricane straps add extra reinforcement against wind damage. This is generally added to new construction but can be added to your home post-roofing – it’s just more costly and time-consuming. Roof reinforcements can also include a cable tie-down system. This essentially ties your roof to the foundation of your home.

Secure Yard for Incoming Hurricanes

Your roof isn’t the only thing you should be concerned about securing. Bring chairs and trash cans inside. Larger items that could be difficult or unsafe to bring inside, think propane tanks, should be anchored down. You should also trim all the trees surrounding your home. These steps will limit the potential projectiles that could be sent through your roof in high winds.

It’s also wise to board up windows. This won’t necessarily protect your roof, but it will protect your home’s interior and inhabitants.

Professional Exterior and Interior Inspection of Your Roof

While you’re not likely to call a professional roofing contractor out for an inspection hours before a hurricane is expected to hit, you can prepare for future hurricanes with inspections. Find a trusted roofing company and schedule an interior and exterior inspection. A professional will be able to tell you if your roof needs repair or additional reinforcement.


Hurricane season stretches from the beginning of June to the end of November. If you’re ready to replace your roof and hurricane season is fast approaching you’ll want to do one thing – contact a trusted roofing company quickly.

A roofing company can give you an estimate on the length of time it will take from start to finish to install a roof. Remember, it’s unlikely they’ll pop out the next day and begin work on your roof. By preparing in advance you can ensure you have a new roof protecting your home by the start of hurricane season.

Why You Should Consider Changing Your Roof Material

If it’s time for you to change out your roof and your current roofing material isn’t metal, it’s time to weigh the pros and cons. With metal roofing, you’re looking at extended longevity and increased resistance to high winds. This means fewer repairs and replacements in the lifetime of your home.

How Long Does Roof Installation Take?

Most roofing installations should take no more than three to five days. Your roofing company can give you a clear estimate on the start and end date for your new roof to be finished. They’ll also be able to answer any questions you have about the installation process and also on what roofing is best for hurricanes. If you are ready to put a new roof on your home contact us today!

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