5 Common Roofing Problems

5 Common Roofing Problems

5 Common Roofing Problems

There are many ways in which your home can be greatly affected by any number of problems, including the very common issue of leaking roofs. Leaks are problematic for a number of reasons. Not only are they inconvenient but they can also be quite expensive to repair. They can affect your overall cost of maintaining your roof, since leaks often require repairs, which will also raise the overall cost of your roofing project. Here are 5 of the most common roofing problems you may encounter.

Sealing Shingles – If a water leak comes from inside your roof, it is likely that the shingles may have become damp or soaked from the water. You will need to take steps to waterproof the shingles so that they can once again stand the test of time against heavy rain. This can be easily accomplished by removing the existing shingle and covering the exposed nails with a layer of tape and then sealing the new shingle in place with silicone caulk. This is one of the most common roofing problems.

Leaking Gutters – Any large amount of water that escapes into your roof can lead to excess humidity levels within the attic, and these can lead to mold growth. One way to solve this problem is to run a gutter guard along the bottom and to seal the top and sides of the gutter. Another option is to install a water-resistant membrane across the top and bottom of your gutters. Be sure to check your local building codes to make sure that your choice of treatment is allowed in your area.

Leaky Roof – Perhaps the worst roofing problem you will ever face is one caused by moisture. Most homeowners realize that a roof must be sealed at the base and top to prevent moisture from getting inside and causing damage. But some people don’t pay enough attention to their own roofs and end up letting the moisture gets underneath the shingles and this leads to a leaky roof. Sealing the base and top of your roof with a water-resistant coating is an easy and effective solution to this problem.

Failing Repair – If any of these problems are left unattended, your roof could suffer more serious damage that can result in a roof replacement. This is why it is important to tackle any problems you see with your roof as soon as you can. Even small roofing issues can lead to major structural problems if not addressed quickly. If you suspect a repair problem, contact us right away for a free inspection and estimate.

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