What Does Granule Loss Mean to Your Roofing System

What Does Granule Loss Mean to Your Roofing System

What Does Granule Loss Mean to Your Roofing System

Granule loss is the separating of pieces of granulated material from a roofing material such as asphalt or concrete. The granules are removed either by the wind, water running over the roof, or through traffic and foot traffic.” In this article, I will detail what happens when your roof has granule loss. This will help people who do not know what it means to have their roofs damaged.

What is Granule Loss?

According to the American Society for Testing and Materials, granule loss is a normal process. This means that the environment causes it and that it can occur at any time. It only becomes detrimental when too much granule has been lost. Granule loss causes a roof to become more susceptible to more damage from the environment and also causes it to be very slippery when wet.

It can be very dangerous for your roof if you do not notice if there is granule loss on your roof. The roof will then become very slippery when it rains. When it is wet, it becomes a hazard for people on the ground. It is also a hazard for your property because if you do not notice the granule loss, you will not fix it.

Why Do Roof Shingles Have Granules?

Asphalt shingles have granules because it helps in the long-term protection of the asphalt. The granules help to keep the asphalt on the roof, and if any were to come off, they would get caught in the granules. This helps protect traffic from falling off of your roof.

How To Notice Granule Loss?

To know if you notice granule loss, you can do a few things. First, you can walk across your roof and notice if there are any loose granules on the roof. You can also get on the ground and look up to see if there is any granule loss from your roof. 

What Can Cause Granule Loss?

There are many things that cause granule loss. One example is wind, which blows away the granules from the asphalt shingles. Another example is water, which slowly wears down the granules over time. The final example is from foot traffic or vehicles constantly moving on the roof, which causes the granules to become loose and fall off of the roof.

How Do You Fix it?

You can fix this by replacing only the shingles that have damage. This helps to fix that very specific area where there is a problem instead of replacing your entire roof.

What To Do In Case You Notice Granule Loss?

If you notice this damage on your roof, then you need to get it fixed right away. This helps to prevent even more damage from happening. If you do not notice it, then it can get worse and cause even more damage.

When To Get it Repaired?

If you notice granule loss on your roof, then you should get the problem fixed right away. This is important, as it helps to prevent more damage that could happen.

What Should You Expect With Repairing Granule Loss?

If you notice damaged shingles on your roof, then you should expect to see the shingles replaced with new ones. This will help to fix the problem and prevent even more damage from happening.

How Much Does it Cost?

If you notice this damage on your roof, then it will cost you a lot of money to fix the problem. This is because it will need to be done right away to prevent more damage from happening.

Where Can You Find A Repairer?

You can find a roof specialist by asking around your neighborhood or calling out into the community. This helps to find a repairer who can help you fix your problem as soon as possible.

Closing Notes

You will definitely want to repair your roof to prevent more damage from happening. This is because when you do so, it helps to prevent more damage in the future. As you can see, your roof is an important part of your home, and having it fixed right away will help to get a lot of work done. If you need your roof fixed or replaced contact us today!

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