Designer Roofs: How Your Roof Impacts Your Curb Appeal

Designer Roofs: How Your Roof Impacts Your Curb Appeal

Designer Roofs: How Your Roof Impacts Your Curb Appeal

You, as a homeowner, care a lot about the appearance of your home. Your home’s exterior plays a crucial role in how attractive it looks. Your roof is the largest feature of your home, making up between 50-60 percent of the visible exterior shell. Your roof is more than a protective tool or necessity. It’s a design feature that requires careful consideration. Here we talk about how your roof impacts your curb appeal.

Your Roof has Two Lifespans

Many people wonder how your roof impacts your curb appeal. Your roof is an integral part of your home’s curb appeal. It has two lifespans. One is a durability life span and one is an aesthetic lifetime. When a roofing material says it can last for a certain amount of years, it is called the durability lifespan. It’s the time that a material can be expected to last before it begins to fail and compromise its integrity.

This is because roofs last a lot longer than their aesthetic lifespan. That is how long your roof will look good and maintain its appeal. As roofs age, colors fade, and damage becomes visible, home design preferences and decor preferences change. This last factor is the most important in your home’s aesthetic life expectancy. What’s trendy in home design today might not be what it is in 20 years, 10 years, or next year. A roof that looked great in one moment may suddenly look old and dated. Nobody wants to purchase a home that looks out of place in the history books on design trends. 

Home Value & Curb Appeal

One term can describe your home’s exterior appearance: curb appeal. Curb appeal makes your home more attractive and also gives you a sense of value. Potential buyers are attracted to homes that have strong curb appeal and look great. These properties also increase the value of homes because they make a community look attractive. A home with a high curb appeal is a desirable one. Conversely, if it is not appealing to the eye, then nobody wants to live in or visit it.

It is because potential sellers are often told by realtors to improve the exterior of their house before they list it on the market. A good first impression is crucial. A dated or unattractive roofing system can make a bad first impression. It is difficult to make a good first impression, so homes with low curb appeal are more likely to be sold. Even if the roof is in excellent condition, it’s likely that they won’t get any offers.

Roofing Design Options

As roofing materials evolve and improve, there are more options available. The versatility of traditional materials has increased and they are now available in a variety of colors and shades that can match almost any design style. Modern materials can be imitated or have new design ideas. It’s almost certain that you will find the right roofing material for you if you have an idea.

It is important to remember a few points when choosing your roof material. First, no design style is ever timeless. This is especially true for fringe and cutting-edge trends. You may find that your curb appeal will suffer if you choose a more extreme style today. If you try to sell your home with an aesthetically displeasing roof, you may find it harder than you initially thought. Your neighbors might not be as impressed by your design taste when their homes are surrounded by poor curb appeal.

We recommend that people have a goal, but we also suggest going with a traditional color and material style. These roofs can be matched with any exterior changes, like siding or trim colors and offer greater flexibility. Your roof will also be strong and won’t need to be replaced if you want to sell your home quickly. If you are looking to replace your roof contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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